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发布时间:2013-10-13     浏览量:   分享到:
报告题目:Integrable dynamics: Practical applications and abstract theory
报 告 人:Jarmo Hietarinta
报告摘要:Integrable systems were studied already in the late 1800s and their active development started again after the seminal paper of Zabusky and Kruskal in 1965. In this paper they demonstrated elastic scattering in the Korteweg-de Vries equation and coined the term "soliton".  Subsequently many interesting mathematical properties of integrable systems were revealed, along with practical applications. I will present three different classes of equations and corresponding definitions of integrability specially suited for them. Finally I will demonstrate that even though different classes of integrable systems were originally defined by different criteria, there are in fact various connections between them.
报告人简介:Jarmo Hietarinta, 1975年于纽约州立大学石溪分校获物理博士学位;1975-79年,在Ohio州立大学,Maryland大学做博士后研究;1979年在Helsinki大学理论物理研究所做研究学者;1980年起于芬兰Turku大学物理系任职,1996年理论物理教授,2004年-2009年任Turku大学数学与自然科学学院院长,是世界著名数学物理学家,在国际同行中威望很高。长期从事孤立子与可积系统的研究,同时对微分几何、代数拓扑等数学工具在物理中的应用有很深造诣。Jarmo Hietarinta的研究成果发表于Physics Reports、Phys.Rev.Lett.等国际顶级期刊。近年来主要从事差分可积系统的研究,在该领域做出了重要贡献;是Symmetries & Integrability of Difference Equations系列会议指导委员会委员,多次担任大会主席和副主席。