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发布时间:2018-06-06     浏览量:   分享到:

报告1:Reliable and Privacy-Preserving Selective Data Aggregation for Fog-Based IoT

报 告 人:Rongxing Lu 教授,加拿大纽布伦斯威克大学



报告摘要:Internet of Things(IoT) is reshaping our daily lives by bridging the gaps between physical and digital world. To enable ubiquitous sensing, seamless connection and real-time processing for IoT applications, fog computing is considered as a key component in a heterogeneous IoT architecture, which deploys storage and computing resources to network edges. However, the fog-based IoT architecture can lead to various security and privacy risks, such as compromised fog nodes that may impede developments of IoT by attacking the data collection and gathering period. In this talk, we discuss a novel privacy preserving and reliable scheme for the fog-based IoT to address the data privacy and reliability challenges of the selective data aggregation service. Specifically, homomorphic proxy re-encryption and proxy re-authenticator techniques are respectively utilized to deal with the data privacy and reliability issues of the service, which supports data aggregation over selective data types for any type-driven applications. We define a new threat model to formalize the collusive attacks of compromised fog nodes, and it is demonstrated that the proposed scheme can prevent both non-collusive and collusive attacks in our model. In addition, performance evaluations show the efficiency of the scheme in terms of computational costs and communication overheads.

报告人简介:Rongxing Lu (S’99-M’11-SM’15) has been an assistant professor at the Faculty of Computer Science (FCS), University of New Brunswick (UNB),Canada, since August 2016. Before that, he worked as an assistant professor at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore from April 2013 to August 2016. Rongxing Lu worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Waterloo from May 2012 to April2013. He was awarded the most prestigious “Governor General’s Gold Medal”, when he received his PhD degree from the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, in 2012; and won the 8th IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Asia Pacific (AP) Outstanding Young Researcher Award, in 2013. He is presently a senior member of IEEE Communications Society. His research interests include applied cryptography, privacy enhancing technologies, and IoT-Big Data security and privacy. He has published extensively in his areas of expertise (with citation 12,700+ and H-index 55 from Google Scholar as of May 2018), and was the recipient of 9 best (student)paper awards from some reputable journals and conferences. Currently, Dr. Lu currently serves as the Vice-Chair (Publication) of IEEE ComSoc CIS-TC(Communications and Information Security Technical Committee). Dr. Lu is the Winner of 2016-17 Excellence in Teaching Award, FCS, UNB.


报告2:Authenticated Key Exchange: Privacy Concerns and Challenges

报 告 人:田阳光博士,新加坡管理大学



摘要:Authenticated key exchange (AKE) is a central building block in many network security standards such as IPSec and TLS. This talk will present some well-known AKE protocols (e.g., HMQV and its variants) and corresponding security models (e.g., CK and eCK model). In addition, this talk will highlight various kinds of privacy requirements (e.g., anonymity, unlinkability and deniability) on AKE while maintaining high-performance efficiency. In the end, this talk will discuss some of the privacy challenges associated with AKE as well as research opportunities.

报告人简介:田阳光博士是新加坡管理大学School of Information SystemResearch Fellow自2013年在澳大利亚Wollongong大学攻读博士以来,田博士致力于应用密码学,网络安全和隐私保护的研究,目前在ACISP等信息安全领域的重要国际期刊和会议上发表论文10篇,主要涉及认证密钥协商、隐私保护、基于生物特征的身份认证等研究。